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How to Make Someone a Mod on Discord

How to Make Someone a Mod on DiscordNeed to make someone a mod on your Discord server? In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to give mod permissions on Discord.

Running a Discord server is a fun way to build a community. Running a small community server is simple enough at first.

But when a server gets too big to handle by yourself, you may need others to help you moderate the server and keep things from getting out of hand.

If you’ve never made someone a mod on Discord before, and you don’t know how to, don’t worry—actually making them a mod is the easy part.

How to Create Roles in Discord

First things first – before you make someone a mod on Discord, you need to create the mod role to assign them to. Let’s look at how to create roles on Discord on both the PC and mobile apps.

Creating Roles on the Desktop App

On the desktop app, right-click on your server to bring up the context menu. Then mouse over Server Settings and click on Roles.

Server Settings - Roles

On the Roles page, click on the Create Role button.

Create Role - Discord

Now you can name your role and manage any settings, such as role color and role icon. Once you’ve set those settings, you’ll want to navigate to the Permissions tab to set the permissions you want your mod role to have.

Edit Role - Permissions

Finally, once you’ve configured the role, click on Save Changes at the bottom.

Save Permissions Changes

Creating Roles on the Mobile App

On the mobile app, tap and hold on your server to bring up the context menu, then tap on More Options.

Mobile Discord - More Options

Next, tap on Settings.

Discord Server Settings - Mobile

Now scroll down and tap on Roles.


On the Roles page, tap the + (plus) icon.

Add New Roles - Mobile

Now name your new role, and configure the settings and permissions you want your mod role to have. Once you finish configuring the new role, tap the little save icon in the bottom right corner to save it.

Save Roles

Recommended Mod Role Settings

When you’re creating the new mod role for your server, you’ll need to set permissions for the mod. You can set whatever permissions you like, but we recommend you at least enable the following permissions for your server’s mods:

  • Kick Members
  • Ban Members
  • Manage Messages
  • Read Message History

Obviously, if you’re more trusting of your mods, you may give them additional permissions, such as the ability to Manage Nicknames, Timeout Members, and Manage Threads.

How to Make a Member a Mod

Once you’ve set up a mod role on your server, it’s time to add the users you want to make mods to the role. Like before, we’ll cover how to do this in both the desktop and mobile apps.

Make a Member a Discord Mod on Desktop

On the desktop app, right-click your server. Then mouse over Server Settings and click on Members.

Server Settings - Members

On the Server Members page, mouse over the user you want to assign the mod role to and click the three dots on the right.

Server Members Settings

In the context menu that comes up, mouse over Roles and then click on the Mod role.

Roles > Mod

Make a Member a Discord Mod on Mobile

On the mobile app, tap and hold on your server, then tap on More Options. On the popup menu, tap on Settings.

Discord Server Settings - Mobile

On the Server Settings page, scroll down and tap on Members.


Find the member you want to add as a mod and tap on the three dots to the right of their name.

Member Settings

Now, simply tap on the Mod role. And that’s it!

Add Mod Role

Cody Brown

Cody is a gamer, writer, and computer programmer who's always looking to optimize and automate everyday tasks. When he's not immersed in prose and code, he's busy tinkering with computers, automating his home, and spending time with his wife and kids.

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